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These are the most frequently asked questions about this site:

Who maintains this site?
How can I contact the webmaster?
Can I contact Donald Sidney-Fryer by e-mail?
How could I link to this site from mine?


Who maintains this site?
Philippe Gindre (founder of the French non-profit small press La Clef d'Argent).

How can I contact the webmaster?
Please send me a Please note that I cannot forward messages to Donald Sidney-Fryer.

Can I contact Donald Sidney-Fryer by e-mail?
No, he doesn't use internet.

How could I link to this site from mine?

To establish a link to this site, please feel free to use this banner:

Source code of the banner:
p><center><a href="http://donaldsidneyfryer.free.fr/" target="middle"><img SRC="http://donaldsidneyfryer.free.fr/images/dsf_en.gif" ALT="Donald Sidney-Fryer" BORDER=1 height=70 width=500></a><p></center>

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© 2004-2024, Donald Sidney-Fryer.